July 19, 2021

We are back and ready to fundraise safely.

During the pandemic UK charities have struggled to manage fundraising.  The cancellation of events had a huge impact on income with charities refocussing on Payroll Giving donations.   Employers rose to the challenge and encouraged employees to show their support through their schemes resulting in a massive 6% increase in income from Payroll Giving in the past year.  In monetary terms this is an additional £8million raised by regular tax effective donations – all achieved by promoting  Payroll Giving schemes online. 

As a growing number of organizations begin to welcome their workforce back into physical office spaces and facilities, employees are understandably concerned about whether they can be assured of safe and healthy protocols being taken in their working environments during an ongoing global pandemic.     

Employers are keen to enable staff to support charities and are inviting our fundraisers onto premises again.  StC visits to employers’ premises when requested follow strict adherence to safety guidelines laid down by the government and the Institute of Fundraising.  Full safety policy here:  https://stcpayrollgiving.co.uk/policies/policy-for-safe-face-to-face/  

The safety of our team and our employer partners staff is a priority.  Training and provision of safety equipment is essential for the protection of our fundraisers and your employees.    StC take every precaution to ensure safe working practices including: 

  • Comprehensive training on our safety rules and those of the employer being visited. 
  • Regular lateral flow tests prior to site visits 
  • Strict adherence to hand sanitising and wearing of masks. 
  • PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) provided including StC branded visors. 
  • Paperless Donor forms, no charity materials provided. 
  • All equipment is sanitised prior during visits. 

We will also follow your companies’ guidelines and cater to your individual needs. 

If you would like to engage our professional safety conscious fundraisers to improve engagement in your Payroll Giving scheme or if you would still like to use our online services, then please contact us on benefits@test.stcpayrollgiving.co.uk 

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BREAKING NEWS StC Payroll Giving has been acquired by GoodPAYE. Visit our News page to find out more

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