World Water Day is a global day of action, and a chance to come together to raise awareness of the water, sanitation and hygiene crisis. At WaterAid we know that when a community gets clean water for the first time, it creates a powerful ripple, saving lives and improving people’s health, education and livelihoods. Access to water and toilets can transform communities, like those living in the Gulni tea estates in Bangladesh where 18 year-old Ritu works as a teapicker. Tea-pickers are one of the most marginalised people in Bangladeshi society, with a history of working long hours for little pay, with scarce access to water and sanitation. Everything changed for Ritu and her community when WaterAid worked with a local partner to deliver water technologies. Now they are able to unlock their potential, break free from poverty and change their lives for good.
Are you ready to make a difference for women like Ritu? This World Water Day, we want you to take action for the 844 million people worldwide living without access to clean water.