Lockdown in 2020 caused Fundraising events to be were cancelled. 2021 is shaping up to be a similar story . Many charities moved their events online with virtual sponsored walks, cycles and coffee mornings. There were virtual bake offs, head shaves, bingo and name the teddy/bunny or bear. These events helped those isolated or lonely get involved and raised significant funds for deserving causes.
The challenge with these activities is they are one off fundraising events, meaning that they have to be repeated regularly for maximum effect. Charities need a regular income flow. This is where the benefits of Payroll Giving really come into play.
Traditionally we visit employer’s premises where fundraisers engage with employees to explain the tax benefits of the scheme and assist in the charity choice if appropriate. This would be in addition to our online services. Lockdown has temporarily stopped these visits. With more and more employees working from home we have adapted our services to include virtual promotions on webinars.
These virtual promotion webinars have proven to be extremely popular and effective in maintaining and increasing employee participation in the scheme. Promotions are tailored to your specific requirements and delivered at your preferred date and time by our experienced team. We can highlight your charity partnership, and we include our regular donor incentives to keep the promotions interesting and relevant.
As evidenced by employers like John Lewis Partnership who have regular monthly webinars.

We record each session so you can share with your colleagues who can listen at their convenience. Join the many employers who are benefitting from our virtual and online services by getting in touch and arranging a call with one of the team.