With the rise in cost of living affecting so many of us, it is understandable that donating to charity may be considered as a “luxury” when it comes to your monthly budget.
How ironic that many of these charities losing out on donations are supporting those worst hit by the cost of living crisis! This makes it even more vital that we look for different, more affordable ways of supporting these charities.
This article published recently by The Guardian highlights this problem and suggests different ways in which we can help https://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/may/06/glastonbury-chocolate-refurb-computers-charities-uk-cost-of-living-crisis
Here at StC Payroll Giving we are experts in Payroll Giving and our mission is to support all employers whatever their size to deliver a Payroll Giving. This is because we believe Payroll Giving is the easiest, simplest and for UK Taxpayers, the most cost effective way to donate – with each £1 pledged only costing the standard rate tax payer 80p and for those paying higher rates only 60p – surely if you want to donate this is a no-brainer!
How could you do more?
Volunteering is another way of helping charities in these difficult times. The success of ‘The Big Help Out’ will have undoubtedly highlighted how much good can be done by people simply giving up a small amount of their time. 6 million people came together on this day to lend a hand in their communities. Find out more by visiting their website: https://thebighelpout.org.uk/
If you or your employer offer both Payroll Giving and Volunteering options then why not use our Workplace Giving Hub? It can highlight all the benefits and allow employees to get involved with these schemes taking all the hassle away from over stretched HR teams. The best part is this is all free to UK employers.
Countless studies support the theory that volunteering, donating to charity or simply being kind, not only makes us feel good, but decreases stress, improves blood pressure and mental health. Get involved today and start feeling good.