Charity Partners
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For charities working exclusively in these areas:
FareShare is the UK's largest charity tackling the environmental problem of food waste to support social good. We use surplus food to power over 8,000 local charities to strengthen their communities.
Our work centres around redistributing nutritious and good-to-eat food to charities across the UK, from school breakfast clubs and older people's lunch clubs to homeless shelters and community cafes.
We believe that no good to eat food should go to waste.
" The variety of food delivered by FareShare allows our customers the dignity of choice and gives them access to fresh fruit and veg. Our closest supermarket is a round trip of 25 miles and we have a very limited public transport system, so our community larder is really a lifeline to many". FareShare charity partner and food recipient, 2024.

Every ten minute, a child, teenager or adult is diagnosed with primary bone cancer somewhere in the world yet research into this cruel disease remains hugely underfunded. Will you help us change this?
The Bone Cancer Research Trust is the leading charity dedicated to fighting bone cancer. Our vision is a world where bone cancer is cured.
We don't receive regular government funding and rely heavily on the generosity of our wonderful supporters to raise vital finds for life-saving research and awareness and to provide support and information to patients and their families.
Every pound you give counts.
£10 a month
Each month, you could help to fund vital research into new, kinder treatments and a cure
£20 a month
Each month, you could help us to run support groups, such as Virtual Storytime for children affected by bone cancer.
£50 a month
Each month, you could help towards a financial assistance grant for a patient in need for support.
Thank you. Together we'll create a world free of bone cancer.

Greenpeace is a movement of people who are passionate about defending the natural world from destruction. Its vision is a greener, healthier and more peaceful planet, one that can sustain life for generations to come.
Greenpeace Environmental Trust champions scientific research, investigations and education to benefit our planet. We are separate from Greenpeace’s campaigning arm and depend entirely on donations from individuals like you. By never taking money from governments or companies we maintain independence and integrity
As a charity, we aim to improve understanding of world ecology and the natural environment. We promote sustainable development – respectful of people and nature.
£10 monthly could enable the annual testing of water samples for toxic contaminants.
£30 monthly could pay a specialist researcher for one day a year.
£50 monthly could maintain one of our RHIBs (rigid-hull inflatable boats) every two years.
£66 monthly could pay for one high-definition drone every year.

Place2Be is the UK’s leading school-based children’s mental health charity and with your support we can ensure that no child experiences mental health problems alone.

Every hour in Scotland someone starts to lose their sight. There are approximately 180,000 people with sight loss in Scotland, this is increasing every year, we need to ensure people with visual impairments of all ages, and their family, are receiving the help they need. The support we provide includes learning, care, accessible media, emotional support, and practical information & advice provision.

We’re the RAF Benevolent Fund, and we’re here to support people who are serving – or have served – and their families, when they need it most. We provide the financial, emotional and practical support that helps people live with the dignity and independence they deserve. Together, we’ll continue to be here for as long as they need us.

From 1832 onwards, the Retail Trust has been caring for and protecting the lives of people working in retail. We believe the health of our colleagues is the foundation they need to flourish in both work and life, creating a more sustainable and successful future for retail.
Support our charity and together we can transform lives for good.

ENABLE Scotland’s mission is to create an equal society for every person with a learning disability. Formed in 1954 by parents of children with learning disabilities, we are committed to amplifying the voices of people with learning disabilities and their families, to achieve positive change, through community projects and national campaigning.

We provide vital support to Gurkha veterans, their families and communities in Nepal.
We enable people to live with dignity by delivering essential financial and medical aid and work with local communities to provide access to clean water and education.
We operate through 21 Area Welfare Centres spread across traditional Gurkha recruiting areas in Nepal as well as one in India. We have over 400 staff working in the region. |

Dementia UK provides specialist dementia support for families through our Admiral Nurse service.
Admiral Nurses are specialist dementia nurses who give much-needed practical and emotional support to family carers, as well as the person with dementia.
There are currently over 270 specialist dementia nurses working across the UK. Our ultimate aim is to have 800 nurses supporting families UK-wide and you can help make this happen.

Mercy Corps is a leading global organisation powered by the belief that a better world is possible. Supported by our European Headquarters in Edinburgh, we work in over 40 of the most fragile countries around the world, saving and transforming lives.
Mercy Corps is dedicated to helping people facing the toughest challenges survive and move toward a stronger, more resilient future.
We understand that communities are the best agents of their own change, so we aim to empower people by connecting them to the resources they need to build better, stronger lives.
Through close collaboration with community members and a wide variety of local organisations, we put bold solutions into action and help people triumph over adversity.
From natural disasters to manmade conflicts and from famines to disease outbreaks, our team members and supporters are united by a desire to alleviate suffering and empower people to live safely, with dignity.
Donate today to help people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within, now, and for years to come.

1 in 2 people are diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime. For us, that’s 1 in 2 too many. Our solution? At Worldwide Cancer Research, we believe that bold research will cure cancer and the first step is the most important. That’s why we back the brightest research minds all around the world in their quest to find the cures for a disease that affects so many lives. Without taking that crucial first step with discovery research, scientists can’t find new preventions, treatments and cures for cancer.
Since we started in 1979, we have invested £200 million into cancer research in over 30 countries.Because cancer is a global problem.
One day cancer will no longer be feared – the more pioneering cancer research we can fund with your help, the sooner that day will come.

Charity Stars were set up in 2019 and consists of 6 amazing charities.
By donating to Charity Stars, you are funding six wonderful causes and all the great work they do - all in a tax-effective way through your payroll which makes the most of your generous gift.
All donations to this group will be split equally between: Breast Cancer Now, Childlife, MS Society, Muscular Dystrophy UK, Shelter and Woodland Trust

Giving for Futures was formed in 2016 and consists of four amazing charities, Against Breast Cancer, National Deaf Children's Society, Seeability and YMCA England.
This consortium is hoping that by working together, they can attract regular and much needed income from payroll giving donors.
All donations to this group will be split equally between the charities within it.

Six fantastic charities, which as the name would suggest, are working together to change the future for the better of those what rely upon their support.
Together for Change was launched in October 2010 and is proving a popular choice for both employers and employees wishing to donate to a variety of causes rather than having to choose just one.
Donations to this group will be split equally between these charities: Blindcare, Carers UK, The Fostering Network, Childlife, Contact and Together for Animals.

Friends at Work was formed in 2004 and is made up of nine hard working charities in similar fields seeking to help those suffering from health related illnesses and disabilities that affect quality of life.
Become a friend today and find out how easy it is to donate and make a difference to the lives of those aided by these wonderful charities.
Your donation will be split equally between all the charities within the group, these are - Action Medical Research, Action on Hearing Loss, Childlife, Mencap, Guideposts, Muscular Dystrophy UK, RNIB, Signhealth and The Roy Castle Cancer Foundation.

Smile a Minute consists of eight well respected charities who work closely together to encourage employees to use tax-effective payroll giving to support the work they do with children and adults.
Why not join the thousands of donors who are already supporting the Smile A Minute charities, helping them to achieve their goals and really putting a smile on the face of those that need it.
Your donation will be split equally between the charities in Smile a Minute, these are - Action for Children, Carers UK, Childlife, Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity, Mencap, MS Society, People for People and Sightsavers International.

The National Deaf Children's Society is the leading charity dedicated to creating a world without barriers for deaf children and young people.
We have offices in London, Birmingham, Belfast, Cardiff and Glasgow.
Deaf Child Worldwide is our international development wing. It's the only UK-based international development agency dedicated to enabling deaf children to overcome poverty and isolation.

Everyone should feel comfortable getting the support they need for issues with drugs, alcohol or mental health.
We work with people on their own goals, whether that’s staying safe and healthy, making small changes or stopping an unwanted habit altogether. We give people support in a way that’s right for them either face to face in their local service, community or online.
We provide a free and confidential service without judgement to more than 100,000 people a year.
We use our expertise to improve the help available and raise awareness around drugs, alcohol and mental health so that more people can get support.

Almost one million people are living with dementia today. Tragically, not one of them will survive. Alzheimer’s Research UK exists to change that.
As the UK’s leading dementia research charity, we are working to revolutionise the way we treat, diagnose and prevent dementia. And then, we will find a way to cure it.
To do this, we’re investing in the best research, powering the most forward-thinking scientists and joining forces with world-class organisations. With your support, we promise we will not stop until dementia can no longer destroy lives.
We are Alzheimer’s Research UK. We exist for a cure.

Welcome to Rethink Mental Illness. We help millions of people affected by mental illness by challenging attitudes, changing lives. Here is just a selection about what we do, and what it means for you.
Who are we?
We believe a better life is possible for millions of people affected by mental illness.
Over 40 years ago, one man bravely spoke about his family's experiences of mental illness in a letter to the Times and in the process brought together hundreds to talk about their experiences of mental illness and support each other.
Today we directly support almost 60,000 people every year across England to get through crises, to live independently and to realise they are not alone. And we change attitudes and policy for millions.

Motor Neuron Disease (MND) is a rapidly progressing terminal illness which stops signals from the brain reaching the muscles. It can rob people of their ability to walk, talk, swallow or breathe unaided. Someone's lifetime risk of getting MND is 1 in 300 and the average life expectancy is just 18 months from diagnosis. There is currently no cure or meaningful treatment for this devastating disease.
MND Scotland funds ground-breaking research to bring us closer to finding a cure. We campaign to fix a broken system and to secure lasting change. When time matters most, we're a helping hand of support, so people with MND can make precious time count with the ones they love. Whether that's helping families make memories through accessible holidays, grants to improve quality of life to an advocate to fight their corner and secure essential home adaptions faster, we're here to help.
Together we will make time count and beat MND!

Autism NI supports individuals and their families, and campaigns to raise awareness of Autism. A local charity, we provide life-changing services for the 30,000 people affected by Autism throughout Northern Ireland.
Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how individuals communicate, their interaction with others, ways of thinking and how they ‘make sense’ of the world around them.
One in forty children in Northern Ireland are diagnosed with Autism and we reply on your help to improve the lives of those affected by this hidden disability.
Our Autism NI Helpline receives over 3,000 calls each year, our and Family Support team co-ordinates work with over 6,000 families, offering information and advice, and early intervention services to those with a child with Autism.
To find out more go to

Today, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) will leave someone unable to see, stand, or swallow. Living with MS is unpredictable - no two people have the same symptoms and no two days are the same.
Over 150,000 people in the UK have MS. Our supporters help fund world-leading research, provide care and support for our community and campaign to transform life for everyone living with this life-changing condition.
Will you help to make the unpredictability more bearable?
Give today, so nobody has to face a bad day alone. Let’s make every day the best it can be.
How your support can help:
£10 a month could pay for calls with a specialist MS Nurse on our freephone Helpline, so that we can provide someone with the emotional support and information they need.
£15 a month could help people with MS get vital support from our Benefits Advisors to help navigate the complex benefits system.
£20 a month could pay for lab equipment like petri dishes to grow bacteria important for studying genetics. The next breakthrough is in reach.
“Calling the MS Helpline made me realise you don’t have to be alone on your journey and there is support on every step of the way”- Sasha lives with relapsing MS.
Thank you!

Today, you can make a positive impact for human rights across the world, simply by donating through your payroll. Amnesty International UK is a global movement of over ten million people, all fighting for human rights. Together, we can create a world where everyone can enjoy their fundamental rights and freedoms.
Your monthly donation can really make a difference
• £5 per month could support human rights education projects to teach school children about their rights
• £15 per month could help towards the cost of running public campaigns in defence of human rights
• £50 per month could help our investigators gather evidence of human rights abuses, including war crimes"

Every child should have a safe and happy childhood.
At Action for Children, we protect and support vulnerable children and young people across the UK. We work in 476 local community services, as well as in schools and online, and campaign for lasting change. Last year, we helped more than 387,000 children, young people and families.
In our nurseries and children’s centres, staff make sure children get the best start in life. Our foster, adoption and modern residential services find children safe and loving homes.
We protect those who have been abused or neglected and help children who care for others or find themselves homeless. And innovative new projects like the Blues Programme give young people the help they need to look after their mental and emotional well-being.
We’ve been helping children and young people for 150 years. But we can only continue our work with your support.

Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation is the only UK charity wholly dedicated to beating lung cancer. We support patients and their families with our nurse led helpline and national support groups. We fund various research projects aiming to detect lung cancer earlier and at a time in which curative treatment becomes a reality.
Anyone with lungs can get lung cancer. Man, woman, young, old, smoker and non-smoker, lung cancer does not discriminate, but sadly people do. Lung cancer claims far more lives than any other cancer type in the UK, yet shockingly it receives the least funding. Sadly outcomes for patients are extremely poor with the average survival rate just under 6 months.
Together we have the potential to revolutionise the future of lung cancer, giving patients and their families the attention and support they deserve. Through raising awareness, challenging the stigma, campaigning for improved treatments and funding more research, with your help we hope to support all those living with lung cancer.

There are hundreds of thousands of children in the UK whose lives are devastated by disease and disability.
It's too many. Far too many. Research can put a stop to this.
For more than 60 years Action Medical Research has helped pioneer treatments and ways to prevent disease that have benefited millions of people in the UK and across the world. Our research has helped to beat polio in the UK, develop ultrasound in pregnancy, fight meningitis and prevent stillbirths.
But we urgently need to develop more new treatments and cures for sick babies and children and we can't do it without you. Medical research for children is underfunded in the UK. For every project Action funds there's another one we have to turn away – simply because of a lack of funds.
Join our fight for little lives today and help save and change children's lives.

We are Prostate Cancer UK
Prostate Cancer UK is the UKs largest mens health charity. We aim to help more men survive prostate cancer and enjoy a better quality of life.
Supporting men and providing information
Our Specialist Nurses have time to talk and answer questions about prostate cancer and prostate problems. We provide free printed and downloadable information. Our online community and one-to-one support service connects men and their families with others who know what theyre going through.
Finding answers through research
Working with our 2012-2020 research strategy, We fund research into tests, treatments and the causes of prostate cancer
Leading change to raise awareness and improve care
With help from our volunteers, we work with the general public, the government and the NHS to raise awareness and get a better deal for men with prostate cancer.
Our work is guided by our ambitious MANifesto, launched in October 2012.

Concern Worldwide works with the worlds poorest people to transform their lives.
We are working for a world where no one dies for want of safe, nutritious food. Our approach focuses on practical, intelligent solutions that save lives and build livelihoods.
For more than 40 years, we have been working in partnership with communities, combining our expertise with their local knowledge. Our approach enables families to tackle hunger and become better prepared for future crises.

We are a campaigning organisation that appeals to all walks of life with a shared vision of a better place to live. We are the leading organisation in Scotland that is working for environmental justice, campaigning for the planet and its people.

Muscular Dystrophy UK is the leading UK charity focusing on muscular dystrophy and other related conditions.
They are dedicated to beating muscular dystrophy and other related conditions by finding treatments and cures and to improving the lives of everyone affected by them.
They also have an active role in nationwide lobbying and campaigning for changes to improve the support given to patients and to raise awareness of muscular dystrophy and related conditions. We have also made vital contributions to improvements in peoples quality of life through emotional and practical support and grants towards the cost of specialist equipment, and we provide specialist education and development for health professionals.
Our work has five main focuses:
■ we fund world-class research to find effective treatments and cures
■ we provide practical information, advice and emotional support for individuals with muscular dystrophy and other related conditions, their carers and families
■ we campaign to bring about change and raise awareness of muscular dystrophy and other related conditions
■ we award grants towards the cost of specialist equipment, such as powered wheelchairs
■ we provide specialist education and development for health professionals.

When a child’s life is expected to be short, there’s no time to waste. Together for Short Lives is the UK charity that is here to make sure the 99,000 seriously ill children and their families can make the most of every moment they have together – whether that’s for years, months or only hours. Many of these children have complex conditions and need specialist care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We stand alongside families, supporting them to make sure they get the vital care and help that they need

People are being pushed to the brink and into homelessness. By setting up a Payroll Gift for Crisis today, you can help end homelessness in Great Britain.
All of us need a decent home – to be healthy and to thrive. Currently though, this basic human need isn’t being met for so many people across the UK. This is unacceptable. At Crisis we work side by side with thousands of people each year as they find ways out of homelessness.
Our vision is to end homelessness for good.
How do we help?
We work directly with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in 9 areas across England, Scotland and Wales, providing practical one-to-one support to help people access benefits, healthcare services, employment opportunities, and more. Our main aim is to relieve the huge pressure of homelessness, by helping people find safe and affordable homes as quickly as possible.
As well as helping to end homelessness for individuals, we work to address the root causes that push people into homelessness in the first place. We campaign on the political changes needed to end homelessness for good and conduct research to understand and highlight the scale, causes and consequences of homelessness.
Our impact and mission
Find out more about our impact.
Why is Payroll Giving Important at Crisis?
When you become a Payroll Giver for Crisis, you’re providing us with a regular and reliable source of income, allowing us to continue our year-round services, plan for the future and help people on their journey out of homelessness.
Payroll Giving is a vital source of income for Crisis and is one of the most straight-forward and tax-efficient ways our supporters can give.
Become a Payroll Giver for Crisis today and help end homelessness for good.
Visit our website to find out more about the work we do.

Epilepsy Scotland works with people living with epilepsy to ensure that their voice is heard. We want to make sure the needs of people with epilepsy are met. This is why we campaign for improved healthcare, better information provision and an end to stigma.

Alzheimer Scotland is the leading dementia organisation in Scotland. Alz Scotland campaign for the rights of people with dementia and their families and provide an extensive range of innovative and personalised support services.

Tommy's funds research into pregnancy problems and provides information to parents. We believe it is unacceptable that one in four women lose a baby during pregnancy and birth.
When a pregnancy fails or a baby dies, it causes devastation. Twenty three years ago, frustrated at the lack of research that meant they could rarely tell families why their babies were dying, two obstetricians in St Thomas' Hospital in London were inspired to start a campaign for more research into pregnancy problems.
Soon, their cause was taken up by others and a charity known as 'Tommy's' (after St Thomas' Hospital) was born.Maternal and fetal research image
That was 1992.
Today, we lead the way in maternal and fetal research in the UK.

What we do
We're the UK's leading bowel cancer charity. We're determined to save lives and improve the quality of life of everyone affected by bowel cancer. Our vision is a future where nobody dies of the disease.
We support
We provide expert information and support for everyone affected by bowel cancer. Our online forum is a place for people to share their experience and support each other. Our website has lots of high-quality information about bowel cancer and we publish a range of helpful materials.
We campaign
We campaign for early diagnosis and access to best treatment and care. We're leading change for younger bowel cancer patients, campaigning to improve survival and quality of life for those with advanced bowel cancer and working to improve early diagnosis by ensuring people are getting the right test at the right time.
We fund research
Our research strategy puts patients and their families at the heart of our research programme. We're committed to funding research that improves the prevention, early detection and treatment of the disease.
We educate
We run training, workshops, and study days for healthcare professionals. We also have a dedicated team of volunteers who give free awareness talks to workplaces and community groups across the UK, spreading the word about symptoms, risk factors and bowel cancer screening.
Early diagnosis
We’re campaigning to improve early diagnosis by ensuring people have access to the right test at the right time. Around 16,000 people die from bowel cancer each year, making it the UK’s second biggest cancer killer. However, this shouldn’t be the case as the disease is treatable and curable, especially if diagnosed early. An estimated 9 in 10 people will survive bowel cancer if diagnosed at the earliest stage.

When a child is fighting a life-threatening condition, it has a huge impact on them and their whole family. The children Make-A-Wish support are often enduring things most of us could never imagine. They’re going through gruelling treatment, endless medical appointments and spending time in hospital away from their home, friends and family. A far cry from the childhood they should be enjoying.
Granting their wish provides seriously ill children with hope for the future, strength to cope and resilience to fight their condition. They’re given quality time away from the daily realities of living with their condition and have the chance to make magical memories they can treasure forever – whatever their future may hold.
Over more than 30 years, Make-A-Wish has transformed the lives of more than 11,000 desperately ill children by granting their wishes. By giving a regular donation you can help grant these life-changing wishes. Thank you.
Ethan, 6, is living with a complex heart condition. When he turned to Make-A-Wish, funds donated by people like you helped to grant his wish to be an American police officer for the day. You can watch Ethan’s wish coming true here.

The World Wide Fund for Nature is an international non-governmental organization founded on April 29, 1961, working in the field of the biodiversity conservation, and the reduction of humanitys footprint on the environment.

WaterAid is an international not-for-profit, determined to make clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere within a generation.
Since we started in 1981, we’ve remained resolutely focused on tackling these three essentials that transform people’s lives. Without all three, people can’t live dignified, healthy lives. With all three, they can unlock their potential, break free from poverty, and change their lives for good. Children grow up healthy and strong, women and men get to earn a living, whole communities start to thrive. It sounds normal and it should be.
By inspiring people and sparking chain reactions we help deliver lasting change in what’s normal. By working closely with partners internationally and on the ground in some of the toughest places in the world, we help achieve widespread change. Millions of people have already taken control of their lives and built better futures.
Now we are working with our supporters and partners to get clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene to everyone, everywhere by 2030. It’s about more than installing taps, toilets, boreholes and wells. To make lasting change happen on a massive scale, we:
• convince governments to change laws;
• link policy makers with people on the ground;
• change attitudes and behaviours;
• pool knowledge and resources; and
• rally support from people and organisations around the world.
• Together, we will change millions of lives for the better – and change normal for everyone, everywhere within a generation.

Mission Aviation Fellowship uses light aircraft to bring humanitarian aid to people in remote locations around the world. We are a Christian charity that enables medical teams, disaster response, vaccines, and education equipment to reach those living in isolation in the developing world. Flying over rivers, swamps, mountains and jungles, our aircraft bring help, hope and healing to those who are outside of government provision – those for whom flying is not a luxury, but a lifeline.

Sense Scotland was formalised as a charity in 1985. It grew quickly, from its beginnings as a small group of families pressing for services for their children, who were affected by deafblindness, many because of maternal rubella. Since then, the organisation has gone on to successfully support thousands of disabled people and their families, in thousands of projects and services, throughout Scotland.
For 30 years Sense Scotland has been working with people who have communication support needs. We believe everyone should have a choice in how they live their life.

As the UKs largest woodland conservation charity, we are the leading voice for woods and trees. We campaign to protect precious ancient woods, restore the ones that are damaged and fight for those under threat. We create new native woodland around the UK with the help of communities, schools, organisations and individuals.
We inspire people up and down the country to visit woods, plant trees, treasure wildlife, and enjoy the overwhelming benefits that woods and trees offer to our landscape and lives.

As the leading kidney research charity in the UK, nothing is going to stop us in our urgent mission to end kidney disease. We’re here to be heard, to make a difference, to change the future. This is a disease that ruins and destroys lives. It must be stopped.
Over the past 60 years, our research has made an impact. But kidney failure is rising, as are the factors contributing to it, such as diabetes and obesity.
Today, we are more essential than ever.
Kidney disease affects three million people in the UK, treatments can be gruelling and currently there is no cure. Only research will end this and nobody can do it but us.

We’re the UK’s leading children’s charity. We’ve been looking out for children for over 130 years- and we couldn’t do it without you.
Around 90% of our funding comes from our supporters, helping us reach children across the UK through Childline, the UK’s confidential 24-hour helpline for children and young people.
Over the past months, as costs of living have risen, families have been under pressure. We know, from calls to Childline, that children are worried too.
Together, we can make sure that Childline counsellors are there to listen and help children through this crisis. Please donate today- and help us be here for children by donating through your pay.
Registered Charity No. England and Wales (216401), Scotland (SC037717) and Jersey (384)

We’re Parkinson’s UK. The charity that’s here to support every Parkinson’s journey, every step of the way. Wherever you’re from, whatever you need.
We don’t wait for change, we make it happen. We believe that together we’ll find a cure. But that’s not all we’re working for. We campaign for better health and care, fund research into groundbreaking new treatments, and run life-changing support services.
Families, volunteers, campaigners, fundraisers, scientists, health and care workers. We’re a powerful community united by one mission: improving life with Parkinson’s

Quarriers is one of Scotland's largest social care charities. We provide practical care and support for vulnerable children, adults and families who face extremely challenging circumstances. We challenge poverty and inequality of opportunity to bring about positive changes in people's lives.

Dogs Trust is the UK's largest dog welfare charity. The charity rehabilitates and finds new homes for dogs which have been abandoned or given up by their owners. They have a network of Rehoming Centres across the UK and Ireland. People are encouraged to sponsor a dog for at least £1 a week, even if they are not able to rehome the dog.
For the dogs that have had a particularly bad start in life and would not be happy living in a normal home environment, the charity takes care of these dogs with funds from the dog sponsorship. They have also created a sanctuary where selected dogs can live together free from excessive human contact.
It also runs microchipping and neutering schemes in the United Kingdom and abroad, in order to reduce the number of unwanted litters of puppies and stray dogs put to sleep by other organisations.
The charity is best known for its slogan "A Dog is for Life, not just for Christmas", which is used either in full or shortened to "A Dog is for Life" in advertising. The phrase was created to reduce the number of dogs which are abandoned as unwanted.
Dogs Trust also also actively campaign to protect dogs from cruelty including: docking of tails and unecessary euthanasia

From Bangladesh to Birmingham, Glasgow to Gaza, every child is full of potential
Save the Children helped 17.4 million children through our work in 2014 in 120 countries including UK. We run world-class programs to save childrens lives and challenge world leaders to keep to their promises to give children a brighter future.
When disaster strikes, there is no time to lose. Our teams respond quickly and do whatever it takes to save childrens lives. In 2014 we responded to 97 emergencies in 54 countries - delivering life-saving food, water, healthcare, protection and education to over 5 million people.
Education has the power to transform childrens futures. We are helping millions of children go to school and improve their skills for a brighter tomorrow.
Living on the streets or in refugee camps, or shut away in institutions – wherever children are vulnerable, they need protection from abuse, exploitation and neglect.
Save the Children started in Britain in 1919 and started working with children here soon after. Today we continue, through our UK programmes and campaigning, to tackle child poverty here at home, so children, whatever their background, have the chance to fulfil their potential

We are working hard to transform the lives of disabled children across the UK, supporting them to become confident and independent young adults.

Asthma + Lung UK
At Asthma + Lung UK our vision is for a world where everyone has healthy lungs. A world where lung health is prioritised through better understanding, research, treatment, and support. We are dedicated to helping create a world where good lung health and the ability to breathe freely are a basic right enjoyed by all.
And we will be the driving force behind the transformation of lung health.
From research and campaigning to advice and support, as the nation’s lung charity we are on a mission to change the way that lung health is perceived.

The Royal Mencap Society is a charity based in the UK that works with people with a learning disability. Mencap is the UKs leading learning disability charity working with people with a learning disability and their families and carers. Mencap works collaboratively, fighting for equal rights, campaigning for greater opportunities and challenging attitudes and prejudice.
We do many different things...
•We support people with a learning disability to get a job or take a college course, or we can help them find a place of their own to live in
•We offer advice about things like respite care, individual budgets or transport services
•We run residential/day care services and leisure groups that are so important to so many people with a learning disability, and their families and supporters
•We support people with a learning disability to be part of their local communities
•We lobby the government to change laws so that more and more people with a learning disability can have control over their own lives

Child Bereavement UK helps families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. We support children and young people up to the age of 25 when someone important to them has died or is not expected to live, and parents and the wider family when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying.
We provide training to professionals in health and social care, education, the emergency services and the voluntary and corporate sectors, equipping them to provide the best possible care to bereaved families.
Our vision is for all families to have the support they need to rebuild their lives, when a child grieves or when a child dies.
Our mission is to tackle the inequalities that exist in the availability, accessibility and quality of bereavement support and training across the UK and to build capacity within communities to manage the impact of child bereavement.

YMCA is an organisation based firmly on Christian values. We are not a church, in fact we include people from many different churches in our membership and also those who do not have a faith. However, we are inspired as a movement by the example of Jesus, particularly where he served the poor and in his unconditional love for people.
In our work we reject relationships built upon power and see young people and others as having real value and of equal status. We wish to include people in the YMCA regardless of their choices in life, to love them unconditionally and to serve the needs of the most vulnerable in society.

We are the UKs leading diabetes charity that cares for, connects with and campaigns on behalf of every person affected by or at risk of diabetes.
We provide information, advice and support to help people manage their diabetes effectively and confidently.
We campaign with and for people with diabetes to improve the quality of care across the UKs health services, so that everyone affected by the condition gets access to the best treatment and standards of care.
We are the UKs largest charitable funder of diabetes research, funding pioneering research into care, cure and prevention for all types of diabetes
We work to halt the rising number of people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes by educating them about their risk, encouraging early diagnosis and promoting simple lifestyle changes to help prevent or delay its onset.
We are committed to communicating about diabetes to people from Black, Asian and other minority ethnic groups.
Together with our network of over 10,000 professional members and diabetes specialists, we share knowledge to improve the lives of people with diabetes.

We are working for an end to mental ill health and the inequalities that face people experiencing mental distress, living with learning disabilities or reduced mental capacity.
We develop and run research and delivery programmes across the UK that provide evidence and expertise to know what works and how to intervene earlier.
We use what we learn to help everyone by offering straightforward and clear information on every aspect of mental health and learning disabilities.
Our advice also helps people help the people they care about too - in their families, their communities or their work. We influence policymakers and advocate for changes in services, using firm evidence and the voices of people with direct experience of the issues.
We campaign on the issues that affect public mental health and wellbeing and the lives of people who have, or are close to someone with a learning disability. We aim to inspire the development of a society free from stigma and discrimination, where everyone can achieve their potential to flourish and thrive.

Those who have served our country deserve help when they face hardship. As the Army's national charity, we are here to provide a lifetime of support to serving soldiers, veterans, and their immediate families.
Your support enables us to:
- be there for young serving families coping with sudden bereavement or traumatic loss.
- provide support to wounded, injured, and sick soldiers into old age.
- help with housing, education, and training for employment for veterans of all ages.
- provide for older former soldiers and their widows or widowers who may find themselves isolated and lonely.
Through grants to individuals in need, often made within 48 hours, and funding for around 86 specialist charities, we support approximately 75,000 members of the Army family each year. This includes essential funding to our long-term delivery partners including Combat Stress, Erskine and SSAFA.
Help us to make sure that support is available to the men and women who have put everything on the line to defend us, and our country.

Bliss exists to give every baby born premature or sick in the UK the best chance of survival and quality of life.
We champion their right to receive the best care by supporting families, campaigning for change and supporting professionals, and enabling life-changing research.
Bliss was founded in 1979 by a group of concerned parents who discovered that no hospital had all the equipment nor the trained staff it needed to safely care for premature and sick babies.
Determined to do something, these volunteers formed a charity to give vulnerable babies the care they deserve. 40 years later Bliss has grown into the leading UK charity for the 90,000 babies born needing neonatal care every year.

PDSA is the UK's leading vet charity. Our vision is a lifetime of wellbeing for every pet, through preventing disease, educating owners and offering lifesaving treatments. Every year we provide 2.7 million treatments, helping almost half a million pets and bringing peace of mind to 300,000 owners.

Cancer Research UK are working towards a world where people can all live longer, better lives, free from the fear of cancer. Through giving to Cancer Research UK through Payroll Giving you can provide us with a regular and reliable income, allowing us to plan and budget for the future to fund life-saving research.
About Cancer Research UK
Almost 1 in 2 of us will get cancer in our lifetimes, and all of us will be affected by it.
The challenge is only growing, but so is the opportunity.
Cancer Research’s manifesto sets out the measures and commitments the next government can make to help prevent 20,000 cancer deaths every year by 2040.
A national commitment to reduce the cancer mortality rate by 15% by 2040 – preventing 20,000 cancer deaths every year.
In the last decade, cancer mortality rates have fallen by 10% 3, and are projected to fall by a further 6% by 2040. This is all thanks to the power of groundbreaking research, improvements in healthcare and the tireless efforts of NHS staff.
£5 per month
Giving £5 a month buys 100 plastic test tubes, which are the understated tools of any experiment
£10 per month
This would buy a box of microscope slides, which enables our scientists to study the inner workings of cells
£20 per month
£20 buys a digital PCR assay, which scans a piece of genetic material to find cancer-causing mutations. Finding out what causes cancer could help our scientists beat it.

The British Heart Foundation’s vision is a world free from the fear of heart and circulatory diseases. We fund research to keep hearts beating and blood flowing.
Thanks to people like you, this year we’re celebrating 60 years of saving and improving lives through our ground breaking research.
And we’re not done yet. We need your support today to keep up the pace of our research and fuel the next 60 years and beyond.
Set up a donation through Payroll Giving today to help fund research for new lifesaving breakthroughs.

We are the largest voluntary sector provider of HIV and sexual health services in the UK, running services out of local centres across Great Britain.
The range and availability of services provided at any one centre depends on the needs of the community we serve and the requirements of our funders (usually local authorities and NHS organisations, sometimes voluntary funders).
Our local services fall into three areas: long term condition management; health improvement and clinical services.

The Cystic Fibrosis Trust is the only UK-wide charity making a daily difference to the lives of people with cystic fibrosis, and those who care for them.
They achieve this by funding research to better understand and treat cystic fibrosis, review standards of cystic fibrosis care, and provide information and advice to the CF community.

Changing Childhoods. Changing Lives
For over 150 years, Barnardo’s has been here for children and young people who need us most – bringing love, care and hope into their lives and giving them a place where they feel they belong. Barnardo’s is here because too many children and young people across the UK are missing out on a good childhood, and on the opportunity to thrive when they become adults. Some children, families and communities face more challenges on top of this because of structural inequalities and discrimination in society. This can mean they’re more likely to have poor health and fewer chances in life.
We simply don’t think that’s fair.
And in one of the largest economies in the world, we know we can do better and we’re committed to driving positive change. And as a charity we’ll continue to be here for as long as we’re needed – working with children and young people to be safe, happy, healthy and hopeful. We will never, ever give up on the things that matter to them - and we’ll do everything we can to give them a place where they feel like they belong.
Regular gifts help us provide essential ongoing support to thousands of children and young people. An ongoing gift from your pay could help us do the following:
£5 a month could help to pay for energy costs.
£8 a month could help pay for activities to improve mental wellbeing.
£10 a month could help provide long-term specialist counselling for a child.
£15 a month could help to feed a family.

We are Penumbra Mental Health, a pioneering charity providing dedicated services for people with mild to serious and enduring mental ill health. We support people on their journey to better mental health, by working with each person to find their own way forward. The power of people’s lived experience enables us to provide pioneering services which transform lives.
From being there for people in crisis to suicide prevention, supported living to self-harm management and peer support. We are with those we support every step of their journey to a better place.
People’s experiences are at the centre of everything that we do. We champion peer workers; we know that recovery is possible, because they’ve been there too.

Every seven seconds, Samaritans answer a call for help. They're there, day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope and needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure. Samaritans is not only for the moment of crisis, they're taking action to prevent the crisis.
Samaritans gives people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others. They encourage, promote, and celebrate those moments of connection between people that can save lives. They offer listening and support to people and communities in times of need.
In prisons, schools, hospitals and on the rail network, Samaritans are working with people who are going through a difficult time and training others to do the same. Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy, and Samaritans’ vision is that fewer people die by suicide.
That’s why they work tirelessly to reach more people and make suicide prevention a priority.
We are Contact, the charity for families with disabled children. We support families with the best possible guidance and information. We bring families together to support each other. And we help families to campaign, volunteer and fundraise to improve life for themselves and others.

What it means to have a big heart. Big Hearted Scotland is a charitable trust formed in 1994 to raise money for five Scottish charities via payroll giving: Epilepsy Scotland, Penumbra Mental Health, Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Scotland, OneKind and Erskine. These organisations receive limited or no government funding, relying instead on donations from the public to provide essential services. And that’s where Big Hearted comes in. To date, it’s raised over £1 million for these important charities and by doing so have helped fund life-changing interventions in areas including epilepsy, exclusion, animal welfare, disability, cancer and mental health. We’d love you to get involved with Bighearted Scotland and help us make great things happen. Please show your big heart and sign up to payroll giving and support Bighearted Scotland today!

Marie Curie is here to help anyone with a terminal illness.
Marie Curie Nurses work night and day, in people's homes across the UK, providing hands-on care and vital emotional support. If you're living with a terminal illness, they can help you stay surrounded by the people you care about most, in the place where you're most comfortable.
Our hospices offer the reassurance of specialist care and support, in a friendly, welcoming environment, for people living with a terminal illness and their loved ones - whether you're staying in the hospice, or just coming in for the day.
Through our information and Support services we help everyone affected by a terminal illness get the information and support they need, whether you have an illness yourself or you're a family member or friend.
We'll be by your side with care and support every step of the way, bringing light in the darkest hours.

For 50 years, the Scottish Wildlife Trust has worked with its members, partners and supporters in pursuit of its vision of healthy, resilient ecosystems across Scotland's land and seas.
The Trust successfully champions the cause of wildlife through policy and campaigning work, demonstrates best practice through practical conservation and innovative partnerships, and inspires people to take positive action through its education and engagement activities.
The Trust manages a network of 120 wildlife reserves across Scotland and is a member of the UK-wide Wildlife Trusts movement.

"Christian Aid is an international development charity. We work with people, of all faiths and none, in around 50 countries, to eradicate poverty..Christian Aid is a Christian organisation that insists the world can and must be swiftly changed to one where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. We provide urgent, practical and effective assistance where need is great, tackling the effects of poverty as well as its root causes."

We are the leading UK charity for people with autism (including Asperger syndrome) and their families. We provide information, support and pioneering services, and campaign for a better world for people with autism
We have nearly 20,000 members, around 100 branches and provide:
information, advice, advocacy, training and support for individuals and their families
information and training for health, education and other professionals working with people with autism and their families
specialist residential, supported living, outreach and day services for adults
specialist schools and education outreach services for children
out-of-school services for children and young people
employment training and support and social programmes for adults with autism.
A local charity with a national presence, we campaign and lobby for lasting positive change for those affected by autism in England, Wales/Cymru, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

We work with people who share our commitment to changing the world for people affected by stroke - with stroke survivors and their families; with decision makers; with researchers and medics; as well as with our supporters.
Together we will conquer stroke.
We believe that stroke can and should be prevented; and we believe in the power of research to save lives.
We know that with our support people can and do recover well. These beliefs drive us forward to change the world for people affected by stroke.

Our partners at Cats Protection want to create a society where every cat has their best possible life because they are protected, cared for, understood and valued by everyone.
Cats Protection is a movement of people championing the welfare of cats. They lead society in a richer understanding of all cats and care for those that need their help.
Cats Protection has been championing cats for 96 years. This includes helping over 157,000 cats and kittens every year – in 2022 they helped 400 cats a day. They have successfully campaigned for compulsory microchipping, are lobbying MPs about the licensing of air guns and cat breeding and a ban on snares. They are leading cat veterinary experts, with over 700 people from 16 countries attending the third annual cat behaviour conference, and have delivered over 930 cat welfare talks to over 25,000 people in 2022. They do an incredible amount and we support their efforts to help people see the world through cats’ eyes.

The Royal British Legion (RBL), sometimes referred to as the The British Legion or The Legion, is a British charity providing financial, social and emotional support to members and veterans of the British Armed Forces, their families and dependants.
Perhaps best known for the yearly Poppy Appeal and Remembrance services, the Legion is a campaigning organisation that promotes the welfare and interests of current and former members of the British Armed Forces.
The Legion support nearly 36,000 War Disablement Pension cases for war veterans and make around 300,000 welfare and friendship visits every year.
Legion campaigns include calls for more research into: Gulf War syndrome and compensation for its victims; upgrading of War Pensions; the extension of endowment mortgage compensation for British military personnel serving overseas; and better support for British military personnel resettling into civilian life.
The Legion holds a fund-raising drive each year in the weeks before Remembrance Sunday, during which paper poppies are offered to the public in return for a donation to the Legion. The Poppy is the trademark of The Royal British Legion and other products bearing the Poppy, are sold throughout the year as part of the ongoing fundraising.
There are over 50 Legion bands around the world, each run and funded independently. They include full concert show bands, brass ensembles, pipe and drum bands, marching bands and youth bands.
The Royal British Legion has an extensive network of Social Clubs called Legion Clubs throughout the United Kingdom.

Capability Scotland campaigns with, and provides education, employment and care services for, disabled children and adults across Scotland.We work with disabled people, their families and carers to provide a mix of services that meet their aspirations at all stages of their livesWe are also a campaigning organisation, committed to using our strong influence to ensure disabled people achieve the same human and civil rights as the rest of society.
The Salvation army works to bring salvation to the poor, destitute and hungry by meeting both their ""physical and spiritual needs"". It is present in 126 countries,[3] running charity shops, operating shelters for the homeless, and providing disaster relief and humanitarian aid to developing countries.
The Salvation Army provides a range of services to support families, young people and children through their local churches (corps) and community centres. Many of these facilities are registered and regularly inspected by Ofsted or the relevant local authority.
Services for the homeless
Human trafficking.
The specialist support programme is designed to preserve the dignity of victims, protect and care for them in safe accommodation, and provide access to confidential client-based support services to give victims the space to reflect, recover and rebuild their lives.
Support for eldergy
People can find themselves in poverty because of a major change in circumstances, others come from a background of entrenched, generational poverty. We support people on a journey towards a sustainable outcome.
The Family Tracing Service is here to support people who are looking for family members
We offer tailored support to help people become job-ready, to get a job and to stay in work and we do so as a locally-based organisation operating from more than 1,000 locations.
At our confidentially-located community setting, we offer safety and ongoing support to women and their children as well as single females who have experienced domestic abuse. Each resident is respected and valued as an individual and the support they are offered is holistic and tailored to meet individual needs.

Being told 'you have cancer' can affect so much more than your health – it can affect your family, your job, even your ability to pay the bills.
But life with cancer is still life. We get that. And, after over 100 years of helping so many people, we get what's most important: that we treat everyone as a person, not just a patient.
With your help we can do more for people living with cancer, giving each person the support they need to look after all that matters and take care of their health, protect personal relationships and deal with work and money worries.
We want to help everyone with cancer find their best way through, from the moment of diagnosis, so they're able to live life as fully as they can. You can be someone who makes that happen.
Registered charity in England and Wales (261017), Scotland (SC039907) and the Isle of Man (604). Also operating in Northern Ireland.

At Oxfam, we believe a kinder and radically better world is possible. And to achieve it, we must work together to fight the injustices and inequalities that fuel poverty.
That's what Oxfam is about. A global movement of millions of people, united by a sense of compassion and justice, determined to help build a better world.
It started in 1942, when a small group of like-minded people came together to do something simple but radical. To challenge the UK government to lift the wartime blockade and send food parcels that people desperately needed in occupied Greece.
The vital work that began that night, continues today, in so many different forms. Providing essential supplies to families hit by the world's worst conflicts and natural disasters. Working with communities to get clean water running. Fighting for long-lasting change such as helping people earn a fair wage. And campaigning against climate change. We act in solidarity with communities, partners, and activists across 67 countries, driving their own change for a more equal future.
Every action, big or small, fuels the work that the world needs, to end the injustice of poverty.
That's why payroll giving is so powerful: it's a simple step you can take, and it means you'll be part of that change, around the world, every month.
Please sign up to donate to Oxfam through your payroll today, and be part of the movement to end poverty with every payslip.

We’re Breast Cancer Now, the charity that’s steered by world-class research and powered by life-changing care. We’re here for anyone affected by breast cancer, the whole way through, providing support for today and hope for the future.
We believe that we can change the future of breast cancer and make sure that, by 2050, everyone diagnosed with the disease lives – and is supported to live well. But we need to act now.

Age UK is the countrys largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life.
The over-60s is the fastest-growing group in society and there are more of us than ever before.
Ageing is not an illness, but it can be challenging. At Age UK we provide services and support at a national and local level to inspire, enable and support older people.
We stand up and speak for all those who have reached later life, and also protect the long-term interests of future generations.
Our vision
A world where everyone can love later life
Our vision is ambitious. It will not be easy to get there, and it wwill not be a quick journey, but we believe it is how things should be for older people and we work every day to achieve this.
Our network
The Age UK network comprises around 170 local Age UKs reaching most of England.
Our family also includes Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland, as well as Age International, with whom we support vulnerable older people in more than 40 countries worldwide.

No one should have to live with the pain, fatigue and isolation that arthritis causes.
We're the 10 million people living with arthritis, the friends, parents, carers, researchers, healthcare professionals, fundraisers, volunteers and supporters all united in our ambition that no one should live with the relentless pain. It's a big ambition, and we can't do it without you. Join us today.
Arthritis Care and Arthritis Research UK have joined forces to become Versus Arthritis, joining award-winning care with outstanding medical research.

Brain Research Trust is the umbrella charity for research into conditions of the brain and nervous system. We were established in 1971 to promote and support research into the causes, treatment, prevention and cure of neurological diseases.

When a child or young person is diagnosed with cancer, their whole world (and their family’s) can feel like it’s falling apart.
The impact of cancer on young lives is far more than medical. Their anxieties are deep. Their education, mental health and social lives suffer. Their future feels very uncertain.
Young Lives vs Cancer is there to make sure they get the right care and support at the right time.
We’re the only charity in the UK with social workers who dedicate their time to provide tailored psychosocial support to children and young people with cancer and their families.
Please help us to be there for more children and young people facing cancer by setting up a tax-free regular gift direct from your salary.

We are Guide Dogs. And we’re here to help people with sight loss live the life they choose.
Children and adults. Friends and family. Our expert staff, volunteers
and life-changing dogs are here to help people with visual impairment:
Live actively: Our people and dogs can help with getting out and about with confidence, going wherever school, work, or play is – knowing that sight loss won’t hold our clients back.
Live independently. The advice and skills we provide give the freedom to live life on one’s own terms, so that our clients can achieve their hopes and ambitions, and do all the things that make an individual…individual.
Live well. Our experience and understanding can help with the emotional challenges of sight loss as well as the practical ones, introducing our clients to an inspiring community of people with similar experiences and giving the support needed to be their best self.
Together, we can help people affected by sight loss live their lives to the full.

We are Leonard Cheshire – supporting individuals to live, learn and work as independently as they choose, whatever their ability. Led by people with experience of disability, we are at the heart of local life – opening doors to opportunity, choice and support in communities around the globe.
Like our founder, we believe that diversity creates a world of possibility. Through pioneering research and innovation we’re building a fairer, more inclusive society.
One that recognises the positive contributions we all make, and where we are all proud to play our part.
Leading by example, we do everything humanly possible to empower people to live their lives as freely and as fully as they choose.

The RNLI is the charity that saves lives at sea, they provide on call a 24-hour lifeboat search and rescue service around the UK and Ireland, and a seasonal lifeguard service. With their lifeboats, lifeguards, safety advice and flood rescue, we are committed to saving lives.
At the RNLI, we are committed to using robust evidence to support all of our lifesaving activity.
We use this evidence in a number of ways: from using cutting-edge science to engineer and design our boats to applying innovative social research methods to ensure that we understand our supporters. The diversity of the RNLIs research, insight and analysis reflects the wide range of work we undertake to save lives at sea.
RNLI researchers and analysts produce in-house analysis, as well as working with experts from academia and the private sector.
In addition they work internationaly to provide communities with knowledge, equipment and skills to reduce the number of water related deaths.

We believe that a home is a fundamental right - it’s the foundation on which our lives are built, it opens the door to employment, health, education, and it’s the basis of strong communities.
Yet millions of people in Britain are denied the right to a safe home. Shelter exists to defend that right, and every day, we stand alongside those most at risk from the housing emergency through our campaigns for change, emergency support and specialist legal advice.
Because home is everything.

At Aberlour, we are there for children, young people and families across Scotland, helping transform lives for the better. We can support you through challenges like:
living with a disability
growing up in and leaving care
the impact of drugs and alcohol
We are committed to getting it right for our children by tailoring our services to help each child, young person and family achieve your own personal goals.
Giving children the best possible start in life is at the heart of everything we do.

The Scottish SPCA is Scotlands animal welfare charity.
We rescue animals in danger, find pets new homes, investigate abuse and prevent cruelty through our free Prevention through Education programme for Scottish schools.
Founded in 1839, the Scottish SPCA has been helping animals in Scotland for over 175 years.
We are the only animal charity in the UK recognised as a reporting agency to the Crown Office. This means our inspectors can enforce the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006.
Donations are vital because we receive no government or lottery funding. Please help defenceless animals in Scotland by making a donation today.

Wildlife needs you
Our wildlife is amazing – but it’s in crisis. In the last 50 years over 38 million birds have vanished from our skies and the UK is now one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries. But we know that we can turn this around, if we all act now. Thanks to people like you, we have helped bring species back from the brink, including birds such as Avocets, Bitterns, Red Kites and White-tailed Eagles.
Here are some of the ways we’re helping birds and wildlife:
Saving threatened species
The UK coastline supports internationally important populations of seabirds. But many are struggling. Back in 2000, Puffins were close to being wiped out on Lundy Island in the Bristol Channel due to predation by non-native rats. To tackle this, we joined forces with Natural England, the Landmark Trust and the National Trust, and in 2006 Lundy was declared rat-free. In 2023, we celebrated a nine-decade high for seabirds breeding on the island, with Puffins having increased from just 13 in 2000 to 1,335.
Restoring habitats
We are determined to protect and restore wild spaces, to give birds and other wildlife the habitat they need to survive and thrive. Bitterns are a wetland bird that in 1997 were down to just 11 booming males in the UK. But through dedicated RSPB work and conservation measures, they’ve been brought back from the brink. Thanks to improvements to their reedbed habitat, numbers have boomed and, in 2023, a survey recorded 234 male Bitterns across the UK.
Speaking up for nature
Turtle Doves are globally threatened birds, whose numbers in the UK have plummeted by 99% since the 1960s. These migratory birds have been hit hard by changes in UK farming practices, as well as unsustainable hunting in southwest Europe. Through Operation Turtle Dove, we’re working with farmers, landowners and volunteers to improve breeding habitat and food availability in the UK. And, thanks to continued efforts, a ban on hunting in France, Spain and Portugal was extended for a third year in 2023, saving an estimated one million birds annually.
Could you help us do more?
Nature is in crisis, but by signing up to Payroll Giving you could help us do more to save it. When you make a donation, you are helping to save rare species, restore habitats and speak up for nature at a time when it really needs us.
Yes, I’ll help save nature every month
Every penny raised will help wildlife, restore wild habitats and hope for the natural world.

Our vision is a future where no-one in the UK loses their life to meningitis and everyone affected gets the support they need to rebuild their lives.
Since founder Steve Dayman lost his son, Spencer, to meningitis and septicaemia and started the meningitis movement in the early 1980s, we have funded more than £12million of vital research through the Spencer Dayman Research Fund. Our Search for a Vaccine campaign has supported the development of 4 vaccines against forms of meningitis & meningococcal disease. Three of these vaccines have already saved thousands of lives and soon we have now seen the introduction of the fourth, the Men B vaccine, which we fought so hard to get introduced into the national immunisation programme.