Charity Partners
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For charities working exclusively in these areas:
FareShare is the UK's largest charity tackling the environmental problem of food waste to support social good. We use surplus food to power over 8,000 local charities to strengthen their communities.
Our work centres around redistributing nutritious and good-to-eat food to charities across the UK, from school breakfast clubs and older people's lunch clubs to homeless shelters and community cafes.
We believe that no good to eat food should go to waste.
" The variety of food delivered by FareShare allows our customers the dignity of choice and gives them access to fresh fruit and veg. Our closest supermarket is a round trip of 25 miles and we have a very limited public transport system, so our community larder is really a lifeline to many". FareShare charity partner and food recipient, 2024.

From 1832 onwards, the Retail Trust has been caring for and protecting the lives of people working in retail. We believe the health of our colleagues is the foundation they need to flourish in both work and life, creating a more sustainable and successful future for retail.
Support our charity and together we can transform lives for good.

Every seven seconds, Samaritans answer a call for help. They're there, day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope and needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure. Samaritans is not only for the moment of crisis, they're taking action to prevent the crisis.
Samaritans gives people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others. They encourage, promote, and celebrate those moments of connection between people that can save lives. They offer listening and support to people and communities in times of need.
In prisons, schools, hospitals and on the rail network, Samaritans are working with people who are going through a difficult time and training others to do the same. Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy, and Samaritans’ vision is that fewer people die by suicide.
That’s why they work tirelessly to reach more people and make suicide prevention a priority.
Seafarers UK has been helping people in the maritime community for over 100 years, by providing vital support to seafarers in need and their families, and to those in education or training who are preparing to work or serve at sea. The charity does this by giving grants to organisations and projects that make a real difference to people’s lives, across the Merchant Navy, Fishing Fleets, Royal Navy and Royal Marines.
Your support will help fund free advice and support for seafarers, when they are injured at sea, have mental health issues or problems with housing or debt, or help to ensure that young seafarers have access to the best quality training and safety, or help to improve the quality of life for retired seafarers and veterans by providing shelter and care, as well as some daily essentials that a small pension (or none) cannot cover.

The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity is the principal charity of the Royal Navy. It works hard to ensure that sailors, marines and their families are supported, for life.
Through grants to ships and units who are deployed, post-service transition, family support and care in old age, the RNRMC is helping to create a world in which our serving men and women's sacrifice is recognised and that they are supported no matter what. We are there to provide a safety net for those who find themselves in immediate need, we support counselling services, mental health provision and those who need the most basic of help, a roof over their heads and a hot meal.
As a world-class grant maker of over ten years, the RNRMC has distributed in excess of 60 million pounds in support of the naval service

Welsh Women’s Aid is the national charity in Wales working to end domestic abuse and all forms of violence against women. We are a federation of specialist organisations in Wales (working as part of a UK network of services) that provide lifesaving services to survivors of violence and abuse – women, men, children, families – and deliver a range of innovative preventative services in local communities.
We have been at the forefront of shaping coordinated community responses and practice in Wales since we were established in 1978. We do this by campaigning for change and providing advice, consultancy, support and training to deliver policy and service improvements for survivors, families and communities.
We also deliver services including the Welsh Government funded Live Fear Free Helpline, a National Training Service, refuge support and advocacy services in Colwyn Bay and Wrexham, and the national Children Matter preventative project supporting children and young people in every local authority in Wales. Our success is founded on making sure the experiences and needs of survivors are central to all we do.