Charity Partners
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For charities working exclusively in these areas:
Around the world, women and children are affected the most by poverty. From the moment they are born, girls especially face inequalities and injustice in almost every aspect of their lives.
ActionAid puts women and children at the centre of our work across 45 countries. We make sure girls go to and stay in school, we work with communities to end gender-based violence, and we train women in the skills they need to earn a living.
We also help women and communities prepare for and recover from disasters, at a time when they can be at their most vulnerable. We demand action at local, national and international level. We don’t walk away until we’ve achieved lasting change.

Alongside Africa is a UK-based not for profit organisation that is committed to a world in which every person has the opportunity to earn a living. We do this by providing opportunities, not aid and focus our efforts in developing countries – initially in Africa.

Poverty is not part of God's plan. We believe that a better world is possible.
As the official overseas aid agency for the Catholic Church in England and Wales, we work in more than 40 countries seeking local solutions to end poverty and injustice. We provide people with the skills and opportunities to live with dignity, support their families and flourish. Because we are part of the local Church, we can reach people and places that others can't.
With the Catholic community we put our faith into action to help our sisters and brothers living in poverty to reach their full potential, regardless of religion, race or culture.
None of our work is possible without you, so join us today and put your faith into action.

"Christian Aid is an international development charity. We work with people, of all faiths and none, in around 50 countries, to eradicate poverty..Christian Aid is a Christian organisation that insists the world can and must be swiftly changed to one where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. We provide urgent, practical and effective assistance where need is great, tackling the effects of poverty as well as its root causes."

We are a partnership of people, churches and local organisations committed to ending poverty, inequality and injustice worldwide. We work for and with people of all faiths and none to fight injustice and pursue our vision of a world without poverty. We are an international aid and development agency. We have programmes in over 37 countries to support poor and marginalised people lift themselves out of poverty. We bring about sustainable change, through our development and education programmes. We work with more than 800 overseas partners, local organisations, who are best placed to understand the causes of poverty in differing communities and how to fight them. We speak out against global poverty, inequality and injustice.
Christian Aid Ireland is a registered charity in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
NI charity no NIC101631
ROI charity no 20014162

Concern Worldwide works with the worlds poorest people to transform their lives.
We are working for a world where no one dies for want of safe, nutritious food. Our approach focuses on practical, intelligent solutions that save lives and build livelihoods.
For more than 40 years, we have been working in partnership with communities, combining our expertise with their local knowledge. Our approach enables families to tackle hunger and become better prepared for future crises.

Concern Worldwide works with the world's poorest people to tackle hunger and transform lives.
Hunger affects everything for the world's poorest people. We are working for a world where no one dies for want of safe, nutritious food. Our approach focuses on practical, intelligent solutions that save lives and build livelihoods.
Responding to crises
The places where we work are often at greater risk from disasters, both natural and manmade. In an emergency, Concern acts quickly to save lives. Then we stay to work with communities, rebuilding lives and livelihoods to ensure people are better prepared for future crises.
Change on a global scale
We know we won't solve the problem of hunger alone. In a world where one in nine people go hungry every day change is needed on a global scale. Through our advocacy, campaigning and influencing work we bring our practical experience to bear on national and international policy.
Working in partnership
.For more than 40 years, we've been working in partnership with communities, combining our expertise with their local knowledge.
Our approach enables families to tackle hunger and work their own way out of poverty.

We’re Hope and Homes for Children. Since 1994, we’ve inspired the UN, EU and local and national governments worldwide, from Romania to Rwanda, to close the doors of orphanages forever. In their place, we fight to keep families together, to reunite them, and to create new ones – always working with children, for children.

We are Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF). We help people worldwide where the need is greatest, delivering emergency medical aid to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters or exclusion from healthcare.

Mercy Corps is a leading global organisation powered by the belief that a better world is possible. Supported by our European Headquarters in Edinburgh, we work in over 40 of the most fragile countries around the world, saving and transforming lives.
Mercy Corps is dedicated to helping people facing the toughest challenges survive and move toward a stronger, more resilient future.
We understand that communities are the best agents of their own change, so we aim to empower people by connecting them to the resources they need to build better, stronger lives.
Through close collaboration with community members and a wide variety of local organisations, we put bold solutions into action and help people triumph over adversity.
From natural disasters to manmade conflicts and from famines to disease outbreaks, our team members and supporters are united by a desire to alleviate suffering and empower people to live safely, with dignity.
Donate today to help people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within, now, and for years to come.

Mission Aviation Fellowship uses light aircraft to bring humanitarian aid to people in remote locations around the world. We are a Christian charity that enables medical teams, disaster response, vaccines, and education equipment to reach those living in isolation in the developing world. Flying over rivers, swamps, mountains and jungles, our aircraft bring help, hope and healing to those who are outside of government provision – those for whom flying is not a luxury, but a lifeline.

At Oxfam, we believe a kinder and radically better world is possible. And to achieve it, we must work together to fight the injustices and inequalities that fuel poverty.
That's what Oxfam is about. A global movement of millions of people, united by a sense of compassion and justice, determined to help build a better world.
It started in 1942, when a small group of like-minded people came together to do something simple but radical. To challenge the UK government to lift the wartime blockade and send food parcels that people desperately needed in occupied Greece.
The vital work that began that night, continues today, in so many different forms. Providing essential supplies to families hit by the world's worst conflicts and natural disasters. Working with communities to get clean water running. Fighting for long-lasting change such as helping people earn a fair wage. And campaigning against climate change. We act in solidarity with communities, partners, and activists across 67 countries, driving their own change for a more equal future.
Every action, big or small, fuels the work that the world needs, to end the injustice of poverty.
That's why payroll giving is so powerful: it's a simple step you can take, and it means you'll be part of that change, around the world, every month.
Please sign up to donate to Oxfam through your payroll today, and be part of the movement to end poverty with every payslip.

Practical Action is an international development organisation that puts ingenious ideas to work so people in poverty can change their world.
Practical Action helps people find solutions to some of the world’s toughest problems. Challenges made worse by climate change and gender inequality. It works with communities to develop ingenious, lasting and locally owned solutions for agriculture, water and waste management, climate resilience and clean energy. And it shares what works with others, so answers that start small can grow big.

From Bangladesh to Birmingham, Glasgow to Gaza, every child is full of potential
Save the Children helped 17.4 million children through our work in 2014 in 120 countries including UK. We run world-class programs to save childrens lives and challenge world leaders to keep to their promises to give children a brighter future.
When disaster strikes, there is no time to lose. Our teams respond quickly and do whatever it takes to save childrens lives. In 2014 we responded to 97 emergencies in 54 countries - delivering life-saving food, water, healthcare, protection and education to over 5 million people.
Education has the power to transform childrens futures. We are helping millions of children go to school and improve their skills for a brighter tomorrow.
Living on the streets or in refugee camps, or shut away in institutions – wherever children are vulnerable, they need protection from abuse, exploitation and neglect.
Save the Children started in Britain in 1919 and started working with children here soon after. Today we continue, through our UK programmes and campaigning, to tackle child poverty here at home, so children, whatever their background, have the chance to fulfil their potential

Why support Sightsavers?
Worldwide 2.2 billion people have a visual impairment, but almost half of this is preventable or treatable. We believe nobody should be blind from avoidable causes.
By donating to Sightsavers, you can help fund crucial projects in some of the world’s most marginalised communities. We work hard to prevent sight loss, restore sight and fight for the rights of people with disabilities to go to school, find a job and take part fully in society.
Wondering what your donation could do?
- In a year, £5 a month could treat or protect 324 people from the blinding infection trachoma - this works out at just 18p per person
- In a year, £10 a month could fund an operation for a patient with advanced trachoma
- In a year, £15 a month could pay for five operations for adults with cataracts

We provide vital support to Gurkha veterans, their families and communities in Nepal.
We enable people to live with dignity by delivering essential financial and medical aid and work with local communities to provide access to clean water and education.
We operate through 21 Area Welfare Centres spread across traditional Gurkha recruiting areas in Nepal as well as one in India. We have over 400 staff working in the region. |

UNICEF works for children around the world
UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, works to build a better world for every child, every day, everywhere. UNICEF provides more children with clean water, life-saving therapeutic food and vaccines, education, and protection from violence than any other humanitarian organisation.
UNICEF works with families, local communities, organisations and governments in more than 190 countries to give every child the opportunities to shape a brighter future. In everything we do, the most vulnerable children and those in greatest need have priority.
When you set up a regular donation to Unicef UK you become part of our long-term work to create a safe and sustainable world where children can live, learn and grow.

WaterAid is an international not-for-profit, determined to make clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere within a generation.
Since we started in 1981, we’ve remained resolutely focused on tackling these three essentials that transform people’s lives. Without all three, people can’t live dignified, healthy lives. With all three, they can unlock their potential, break free from poverty, and change their lives for good. Children grow up healthy and strong, women and men get to earn a living, whole communities start to thrive. It sounds normal and it should be.
By inspiring people and sparking chain reactions we help deliver lasting change in what’s normal. By working closely with partners internationally and on the ground in some of the toughest places in the world, we help achieve widespread change. Millions of people have already taken control of their lives and built better futures.
Now we are working with our supporters and partners to get clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene to everyone, everywhere by 2030. It’s about more than installing taps, toilets, boreholes and wells. To make lasting change happen on a massive scale, we:
• convince governments to change laws;
• link policy makers with people on the ground;
• change attitudes and behaviours;
• pool knowledge and resources; and
• rally support from people and organisations around the world.
• Together, we will change millions of lives for the better – and change normal for everyone, everywhere within a generation.

By donating to People for People, you support four charities working together to improve the lives of communities in the developing world.
Please help us in this work by making a regular gift through your pay packet.
Amref Health Africa
Leonard Cheshire Disability