Charity Partners
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For charities working exclusively in these areas:
Blind Veterans UK supports nearly 5,000 ex-Service men and women who suffer from sight loss. We help these veterans to learn vital life skills, as well as supplying free rehabilitation, training and the support they need to live independent lives. It doesn’t matter when a veteran lost their sight – we can help.
Many of our veterans feel isolated within their own communities. We help them by organising activities and events such as lunches, reunions and clubs, which gives them the opportunity to make new friends and be part of a community with a shared experience.
We know there are 45,000 veterans out there who still need and deserve our help. Your Payroll Giving donation can ensure that no one who has served our country should face blindness alone.

FareShare is the UK's largest charity tackling the environmental problem of food waste to support social good. We use surplus food to power over 8,000 local charities to strengthen their communities.
Our work centres around redistributing nutritious and good-to-eat food to charities across the UK, from school breakfast clubs and older people's lunch clubs to homeless shelters and community cafes.
We believe that no good to eat food should go to waste.
" The variety of food delivered by FareShare allows our customers the dignity of choice and gives them access to fresh fruit and veg. Our closest supermarket is a round trip of 25 miles and we have a very limited public transport system, so our community larder is really a lifeline to many". FareShare charity partner and food recipient, 2024.

Home-Start helps families with young children deal with whatever life throws at them. We support parents as they learn to cope, improve their confidence and build better lives for their children.

Listening Books is a small UK charity with a history of some sixty years. We provide an online and postal audiobook library service for people in the UK who struggle to read the printed word due to illness, physical or learning disabilities, visual impairment or mental health conditions. We offer thousands of excellent audiobook titles to individual members in their own homes, as well as through schools, hospitals, nursing homes and hospices.
We reach more than 55,000 people and our service helps foster a love of stories in children with dyslexia for example, and it is also often a lifeline for older people to help them continue a lifelong passion for books after the impact of arthritis or macular degeneration. We receive no support from central government.
If you would like to hear our Patron Stephen Fry on YouTube talking about our work, Please click here

The Prison Service Trust continues to provide Prison Officers, ex-Officers and other members of the Prison Service family, including widows/widowers, spouses, children and other dependants, with a range of services that are designed to help them to cope better with the challenges of life. The Trust continues to deliver the following three main types of services:
1.Health care, encouraging physical and emotional well-being
2.Life planning, incorporating education, education, career and financial planning
3.Support services, promoting welfare, family and social contact
Examples of the services that the PST provides include the following:
Confidential counselling service through Carecall
Family support
Financial/pension planning
Pre-retirement planning
IT courses
Art classes
Flower arranging classes
Tai Chi classes
Aromatherapy/Reflexology classes
Golf outings
Education bursaries for serving officers who donate to the PST
Fun and social activities for all

Quarriers is one of Scotland's largest social care charities. We provide practical care and support for vulnerable children, adults and families who face extremely challenging circumstances. We challenge poverty and inequality of opportunity to bring about positive changes in people's lives.

Rape Crisis England & Wales is the charity working to end sexual violence and abuse.
We provide specialist information and support to all those affected by rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment and all other forms of sexual violence and abuse in England and Wales.
We are also the membership organisation for 39 Rape Crisis centres. Together, we aim to educate, influence and make change.

Refuge is the largest specialist provider of gender-based violence services in the country supporting over 6,500 women and children on any given day. Refuge opened the world’s first refuge in 1971 in Chiswick, West London and 47 years later, provides: a national network of 46 refuges, community outreach programmes, child support services, and acts as independent advocates for those experiencing domestic, sexual, and gender-based violence. We also run specialist services for survivors of modern slavery, ‘honour’-based violence, and female genital mutilation. In partnership with Women’s Aid, Refuge provides the National Domestic Violence Helpline which receives hundreds of calls a day.

From 1832 onwards, the Retail Trust has been caring for and protecting the lives of people working in retail. We believe the health of our colleagues is the foundation they need to flourish in both work and life, creating a more sustainable and successful future for retail.
Support our charity and together we can transform lives for good.

Every seven seconds, Samaritans answer a call for help. They're there, day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope and needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure. Samaritans is not only for the moment of crisis, they're taking action to prevent the crisis.
Samaritans gives people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others. They encourage, promote, and celebrate those moments of connection between people that can save lives. They offer listening and support to people and communities in times of need.
In prisons, schools, hospitals and on the rail network, Samaritans are working with people who are going through a difficult time and training others to do the same. Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy, and Samaritans’ vision is that fewer people die by suicide.
That’s why they work tirelessly to reach more people and make suicide prevention a priority.
We believe that a home is a fundamental right - it’s the foundation on which our lives are built, it opens the door to employment, health, education, and it’s the basis of strong communities.
Yet millions of people in Britain are denied the right to a safe home. Shelter exists to defend that right, and every day, we stand alongside those most at risk from the housing emergency through our campaigns for change, emergency support and specialist legal advice.
Because home is everything.

St John Ambulance is the nations leading first aid charity.
Every year, more than 400,000 people learn how to save a life through our training programmes, including hundreds of thousands of young people.
Our volunteers provide first aid in their communities, keeping people safe at events, and working alongside the NHS in response to 999 calls. We are also always campaigning to raise awareness of first aid and directly educate the public.

The Lullaby Trust exists to keep babies safe and to keep grieving families supported. We do this by funding life-saving research, empowering families with expert baby safety advice and supporting grieving families through their darkest days. We won’t give up until no baby dies suddenly or unexpectedly.

Thirteen million people live below the poverty line in the UK, with individuals going hungry every day for a range of reasons, from benefit delays to receiving an unexpected bill on a low income.
Trussell partners with local communities to help stop UK hunger. Our 400-strong network of foodbanks provides a minimum of three days' emergency food and support to people experiencing crisis in the UK.
We recognise that stopping hunger is about more than providing food, which is why we're working with foodbanks to provide a range of new services like money advice and Fuel Banks, helping people to break the cycle of poverty.
Having started our work in Bulgaria, we also work with our international partner, FSCI, to tackle poverty in Eastern Europe.

We believe that people with disabilities are equal participants in society and should have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. This is the vision we work towards and the reason we exist.
We support people with learning disabilities, mental health needs and physical disabilities to take live as independently as possible. Founded in 1973 with just one service in West Sussex, we now support around 2000 people in over 300 locations across England and Wales.
We provide everything from 24 hour care, to a few hours of support a week. We support some of the most vulnerable people in society to live happy and productive lives in their community. The key is that we work with each person to do the things they want to do, supporting them to communicate what they want and tell us how we are doing.
As well as providing support, we run campaigns on the latest social care issues, organise fundraising schemes and events, and provide guidance and information on a range of topics.

Victim Support is the independent charity for victims of crime in England and Wales. We were set up over 40 years ago and have grown to become the oldest and largest victims' organisation in the world.

Everyone should feel comfortable getting the support they need for issues with drugs, alcohol or mental health.
We work with people on their own goals, whether that’s staying safe and healthy, making small changes or stopping an unwanted habit altogether. We give people support in a way that’s right for them either face to face in their local service, community or online.
We provide a free and confidential service without judgement to more than 100,000 people a year.
We use our expertise to improve the help available and raise awareness around drugs, alcohol and mental health so that more people can get support.