The Salvation army works to bring salvation to the poor, destitute and hungry by meeting both their “”physical and spiritual needs””. It is present in 126 countries,[3] running charity shops, operating shelters for the homeless, and providing disaster relief and humanitarian aid to developing countries.
The Salvation Army provides a range of services to support families, young people and children through their local churches (corps) and community centres. Many of these facilities are registered and regularly inspected by Ofsted or the relevant local authority.
Services for the homeless
Human trafficking.
The specialist support programme is designed to preserve the dignity of victims, protect and care for them in safe accommodation, and provide access to confidential client-based support services to give victims the space to reflect, recover and rebuild their lives.
Support for eldergy
People can find themselves in poverty because of a major change in circumstances, others come from a background of entrenched, generational poverty. We support people on a journey towards a sustainable outcome.
The Family Tracing Service is here to support people who are looking for family members
We offer tailored support to help people become job-ready, to get a job and to stay in work and we do so as a locally-based organisation operating from more than 1,000 locations.
At our confidentially-located community setting, we offer safety and ongoing support to women and their children as well as single females who have experienced domestic abuse. Each resident is respected and valued as an individual and the support they are offered is holistic and tailored to meet individual needs.