The Prison Service Trust continues to provide Prison Officers, ex-Officers and other members of the Prison Service family, including widows/widowers, spouses, children and other dependants, with a range of services that are designed to help them to cope better with the challenges of life. The Trust continues to deliver the following three main types of services:
1.Health care, encouraging physical and emotional well-being
2.Life planning, incorporating education, education, career and financial planning
3.Support services, promoting welfare, family and social contact
Examples of the services that the PST provides include the following:
Confidential counselling service through Carecall
Family support
Financial/pension planning
Pre-retirement planning
IT courses
Art classes
Flower arranging classes
Tai Chi classes
Aromatherapy/Reflexology classes
Golf outings
Education bursaries for serving officers who donate to the PST
Fun and social activities for all