The RNLI is the charity that saves lives at sea, they provide on call a 24-hour lifeboat search and rescue service around the UK and Ireland, and a seasonal lifeguard service. With their lifeboats, lifeguards, safety advice and flood rescue, we are committed to saving lives.
At the RNLI, we are committed to using robust evidence to support all of our lifesaving activity.
We use this evidence in a number of ways: from using cutting-edge science to engineer and design our boats to applying innovative social research methods to ensure that we understand our supporters. The diversity of the RNLIs research, insight and analysis reflects the wide range of work we undertake to save lives at sea.
RNLI researchers and analysts produce in-house analysis, as well as working with experts from academia and the private sector.
In addition they work internationaly to provide communities with knowledge, equipment and skills to reduce the number of water related deaths.