As the clock struck midnight on the 1st January I was happily tucked up in bed and the only reason I knew it was new year was because one of the houses we back to on LOVES a firework, that then set off every dog in the street on some barking spree and I was awake till around 1am. Anyway, why am I telling you this? Ah yes. Because towards the end of last year I decided I needed to change, I was (still am but making progress) unfit and I know from the years that have already flown by that this is not good for my mental health. So I started swimming.
There is so much pressure as we head to New Year’s Eve to make plans to change, to stop this to start that and it isn’t as easy to physically do as it is to write in in your lovely new leopard print 2023 fancy diary with colour coordinated ticks and underlines (yes, guilty of this until around March each year)
30 days have September, April, June & November…. January is all alone with 65,734 long, dark, cold days, so why on earth do we put so much pressure on ourselves, I really do understand the ‘new year new start’ stance and I admire those that can stick to it but for those of us that want to make a change but find it incredibly daunting – you know those lovely thoughts you get – what if I fail, I have let myself down, I have let other people down (you haven’t by the way!)
Why don’t we try something easily attainable?
My top tips for a fabulous 2023 (and this must be read in the style of the classic gameshow Bullseye NB – Search on YouTube)
Tip 1 – go for a walk. Whether it be round the car park at lunch time, to the supermarket or parking your car further away
Tip 2 – Get some fresh air, shove the window open, take some deep breaths, head to the sea (see Tip 1)
Tip 3 – Take some ‘me time’ wallow in the bath, listen to music through headphones (See Tips 1 & 2)
Tip 4 – Eat well, you know, that stuff they call fruit & veg, give it a whirl. I eat a banana a day now, who knew they are REALLY good for you.
Tip 5 – Sleep well, go to bed earlier (see opening sentence!)
Tip 6 – TALK! If you are feeling overwhelmed as so many of us do this time of year then please reach out, to a family member, a colleague, a friend.
Tip 7 – Keep an eye on your friends, family & colleagues.
We’ve got this. Just remember – brighter days are on their way.
More about the swimming later in the year!