Pay it forward – what does it mean?
You may have heard of the movie or the book about a boy who commits 3 random acts of kindness and all he wants in return is the recipients to also then commit 3 acts of kindness. Sometimes in our very busy and demanding lives we forget how easy it is to ‘pay it forward’. A random act of kindness is as simple as letting someone cross the road, making a friend a cup of tea or donating to charity. The benefits of giving, whether that is a smile, or a donation can have huge impacts on your own well being as well as the person receiving the gift. People who give to charity or volunteer are likely to have reduced rates of stress, lower blood pressure and improved happiness and health.
At StC Payroll Giving we know all about the benefits of giving to charity through your pay. The immediate tax-benefit, the positive impact on donors own well-being and the gratitude of charities. Payroll Giving is the tax efficient, secure way to give to charity and should be a benefit every payroll offers. To find out more get in touch today.