Leanne had to retire from her job as a firefighter when she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in February 2011 aged 43. She’s since found a passion for fundraising.
First symptoms and diagnosis
The first symptoms Leanne remembers were finding it difficult to change gear on her bicycle and struggling to double click a computer mouse. She attributed these problems to a trapped nerve.
A year later while on holiday in Mexico, she noticed she was dragging her feet. On her return, she was advised that this symptom could point to a neurological problem, and she was referred to a specialist. “The specialist sent me for some scans and made a mention of Parkinson’s, so I went home and searched the internet. “Within minutes of reading about the symptoms I said to my husband ‘that’s what I’ve got’. “While it wasn’t a diagnosis, it was a relief to put a name to it, but it made it no less devastating when Parkinson’s was confirmed.”
Read on here >> https://www.parkinsons.org.uk/content/leannes-story-diagnosed-parkinsons-43